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Friday, 19 March 2021

Someone said something nice!

 A shocker, I know!

OK, I have a bit of a retraction: I'm back on minds.com, for better or for worse. I suppose you can't expect enterprise-level support for a small social media site. So I'll put up with them, because I'm a putton for glunishment. I responded to another writing competition by a channel called DanielandAngel, with a modified version of this post I made on Subscribestar. The prompt was 'I am going to die', or 'I was going to die'

What was nice was, the channel gave me an Honourable Mention for that week, and said, 

"This is a very well done story, the action is better written than a fair number of published novels I've read..."

So, if you're here and haven't seen my Subscribestar yet, have a look! Swear and profanity alert, due to the subject matter (1st person perspective of an Infantry grunt).

Thursday, 18 March 2021

The Finders

 The redoubtable Gene Wolfe weighs in on a forgotten scandal. 

This is a map - of tunnels under a nursery, the existence of which had 'been debunked'. Remember that next time someone uses that phrase.

The Satanic Panic of the 80s is a byword of mass hysteria, where innocent people were victimised by Christians on a (literal) witch-hunt. Unfortunately, according to his research, it seems they were right!

Read the whole horrible thing here.